Community, Culture and Commitment
The Cigar Community is a close-knit community of diverse individuals that share a love for cigars. It is a community where ALL are welcome.
Our community is part of a growing culture that prides itself on learning about cigars, their origins, tastes, shapes and fillers. We also enjoy our cigars, our conversations, events and good times.
Phat Ash is committed to providing opportunities for community and culture to come together. Our products and offerings are of premium quality and are sure to never disappoint.
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The Phat Ash culture focuses on those in the community who hold their Ash while enjoying their cigar. Holding the Ash requires a special skill set and technique.
Question: Why do people hold their Ash while smoking a cigar?
Answer: The Ash itself and the technique used to ash a cigar can influence the quality of a smoke, including the flavor and scent. A well-maintained, inch-long cigar Ash will optimize the cigar smoking experience.
The Phat Ash brand has been created to pay tribute to those who hold their Ash and those who can appreciate a nice Ash. However, the brand is fun, sleek and can be enjoyed by all.